| 1. | They must follow from the basic principles . 它们就一定是自基本原理推导得出来的。 |
| 2. | The present section has included only the basic principles of a microscope . 本节只涉及显微镜的一些基本原理。 |
| 3. | We shall concern ourselves with the basic principles common to fluids and solids . 我们将研究流体力学与固体力学共同的基本原理。 |
| 4. | Try to sort out the basic principles from what is simply illustrative detail and digression . 试着从那些繁琐的、枝节的论述中把基本原理摘出来。 |
| 5. | The basic principles that governed our policies throughout this administration remain constant . 在本政府整个任期中指导我们政策的各项基本原则是一贯的。 |
| 6. | To acquire this background, the petroleum exploration geologist must have mastered the basic principles . 石油地质勘探工作者要具备这一基本功,就必须掌握基本原理。 |
| 7. | The basic principles and underlying assumptions of each theoretical approach were discussed in the previous chapters . 前几章讨论了各种理论方法的基本原理和基本假设。 |
| 8. | Those who disregard the basic principles of disease prevention may succeed in times of a favorable market . 凡是忽略预防疾病的基本原则的人,在遇到有利的市场的时候可能会取得成功。 |
| 9. | A book on the subject of the structure and function of cells should devote space to examining some of the basic principles of chemistry . 一本关于细胞结构和功能方面的专著竟拨出篇幅研讨化学的某些基本原理。 |
| 10. | A knowledge of the basic principles of wound healing as observed in the surgical incision has applications to all other aspects of surgical science and practice . 有关外科切口中伤口愈合基本原则的知识,对所有外科科学和外科实践的其他方面,都能应用。 |